User’s Game of Animal Crossing Catches the Attention of Elijah Wood & More Celebs

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of Nintendo’s biggest hits to date. It had one of the best selling releases and is currently serving as a happy little haven for people of all walks of life to escape to. It’s relaxing. It’s simple. It’s child-like. It’s also a game about mortgages and market fluctuations. Huh. You...

Text Messages Show ‘Karen’ Melting Down Over Air Pods Gift

The biggest cultural archetype to come out of the last year or so is the “Karen.” So much so that I genuinely feel bad for nice, normal people named Karen, and hope they can take a joke. But the character of a Karen isn’t about the name – it’s about something culture has given rise to. A person who is entitled, rude,...

People Talk About What It’s Like to Be Married to “Karens”

In case you haven’t been paying attention, the whole world seems to have turned against the “Karens” of the world. I’m talking about the stereotypical entitled woman who is always demanding to speak to the manager of whatever establishment they happen to find themselves in. It’s pretty hilarious because it’s...

14 People Share Stories About the Awful “Karens” in Their Lives

You know those entitled, difficult, rude people in your life who seem to make everything extremely difficult? Well, there’s a name for them: KARENS. And they are EVERYWHERE. Those folks demanding to speak to a manager? KARENS. AskReddit users opened up about these folks who seem like a real nightmare to deal with. 1. Mother is very...

15 People Open up About Why They Had to “Ghost” a Friend

Have you ever had to “ghost” a friend before? As someone who has, let me tell you it is not very pleasant. But, some people are totally toxic and the time comes when you have to cut them out of your life even if it’s going to hurt their feelings. AskReddit users shared their stories about how they ghosted their friends. 1. Get...

People Discuss the Reasons Why They “Ghosted” a Friend

It’s a sad fact of life that sometimes you just have to cut people out of your life. People who are toxic, who make you feel bad about yourself, or who are trying to drag you down with them. The term for this is “ghosting” someone and, while it may seem harsh, occasionally it must be done. Let’s see what AskReddit users had...

This Instagram Account Shares Inspirational Signs In Hopes To Bring More Meaning To Your Life

Everybody needs a little affirmation in their day. Or a lot. If you’re looking for a sign, this Instagram account has got what you need. Literally. They post artfully manipulated photos of signage to read as affirmations and reminders for their 1.6 million followers. The account is called @werenotreallystrangers – which is also the...

Man Gets Revenge on Greedy Landlord Years Later Through Total Chance

The conversation around renters and landlords has changed a lot lately. As more and more people are renting because they have no better options, the few who hold the properties are coming under closer scrutiny. Laws concerning what a landowner can and can’t do in regard to a tenant are complicated, vary from place to place, and many know...

People Share What They Envy about the Opposite S*x

They say the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. As a millennial, I can’t relate to this at all because I’ve never had a yard. But I think the point is we tend to envy what we don’t/can’t have by default. This was put into a more thoughtful context when user Straifex-yin took to r/AskReddit to say: What...

15 Funny Karen Memes People Made That You Can Show Your Manager

I think it’s official at this point: nobody is going to naming their kid Karen for at least a generation or so. It’s a meme now. A meme representing entitlement and middle-aged silliness. Honestly, I do feel bad for perfectly nice people named Karen. On the other hand, these memes are really funny. So go grab a manager and enjoy these...

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