4 Ways to Get Your ‘Cards Against Humanity’ Fix From Home

Cards Against Humanity is the NSFW, fowl-mouthed party card game that just about everybody has played at some point. It’s such a popular choice among many circles of friends that they’ll no doubt want to keep playing even when they’re stuck at home, or far away from each other. If that’s you, check out this list of ways to...

15 Jokes That Are Technically Correct, Which Is the Best Kind of Correct

“Pedantic” is a word that means correcting small errors or pointing out tiny technicalities. Well, technically, “pedantic” means “of or like pedant.” See what I did there? Fortunately, this tool can be used for more than just annoying your friends until they all leave you. It can also be used to make great...

10 Times Tinder Will Make Your Day. Your Week, Your Month or Even Your Year

It’s hard to tell if anyone is serious on dating apps. Presumably we’re all there for one reason or another, but most of us try to play it off like we’re half joking. The results can be confusing, but also, yanno, hilarious. Take for instance this collection of Tinder weirdness that will probably make you want to swipe right on...

10 Memes to Give You a Break Right Now

You know when a good time for a meme break is? Literally any time. To get the day started, to break it up, to cap it off – memes are evergreen. They’re good ’round the clock. So, whatever part of your day you find yourself in right now; hello. Welcome. You’re right on time. Here are 10 memes about nothing in particular to...

10 Tweets and Memes That are Treats and Dreams

I think it was Disney’s Cinderella who said “a meme is a wish your heart makes.” How that writing team was able to anticipate memes way back in 1950 is beyond me, but they were totally right. My heart DOES wish for memes. And lucky for me, they’re free, and they’re everywhere. Here are a few great memes and tweets for...

14 Disney Movie Observations You Can’t Unsee

There’s a lot of talk these days about Disney becoming some sort of movie industry monopoly, gobbling up studios and franchises faster than anybody can keep up with. Whether it will eventually overtake the business as a whole, I don’t know, but it certainly seems to monopolize the minds of some Tumblr fandoms. That’s not all bad,...

10 Hilarious Tumblr Observations About Disney Princesses

The first Disney princess to get her own full length movie was Snow White, way back in 1937. Since then it’s not an exaggeration to say that the Disney princess has had a significant influence on our culture. No doubt many books could be/have been written on that subject but I’m more interested in the internet-hot-take element of it...

Supply Store Worker Gets “50 Pounds of Messy Revenge” on Terrible Customers

Retail jobs suck. Even if you manage to get a good boss, good co-workers, a reasonable wage, and decent hours, there’s still that one unavoidable X factor: the customers. Most of whom are just regular, polite people going about their day. But some of them seem like they were put on this earth specifically to test the limits of how long you...

People Take Controversial Revenge on Loud Neighbors

If you live in the suburbs, or maybe the middle of nowhere, you might not understand the true, agonizing frustration that comes with loud neighbors. But something like 37% of Americans live in apartments, and for us, a single loud neighbor can turn that dwelling from a dream to a nightmare real quick. Unless you’re in a luxury building with...

Emergency Responders Share Stories About People Who Make Their Job Harder

Emergency responders have got a tough job to do. And until we finally invent some sort of Star Trek style transporter beam, one of the toughest parts is just getting to the people that need help. Some obstacles that get in the way of that are inevitable, but others aren’t. For instance, the general cooperation of bystanders. If you come...

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