People Share Their Tales of Birthday Blues

Birthdays are super fun when you’re a kid. Then a different kind of fun when you’re a young adult. And then at a certain point, they’re just a reminder that life is moving fast. And, in certain situations, maybe a reminder that you’re not quite surrounded by the people you thought you were. Not everyone has the happiest of...

10 Stories About Actually Going Viral

Having been involved in a few projects that have “gone viral,” I can tell you that it’s a really wild, short ride, and then you’re just kinda sitting there with your hair blown back for a while, preparing to occasionally get messages about it for the rest of your life. But that’s not everyone’s experience, of...

People Reveal the Realities of Going Viral

“Viral” is really a hard thing to nail down a definition for. I mean, sure, we all understand that it means a thing that spread around a lot, but how of “a lot” before it reaches the point of viral? Is it thousands of views? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? Over what period of time? I suppose it’s more one of those...

14 People on Tinder Who Are Just Trying Their Best

At first I thought Tinder was just sort of a punchline, but over time people started to assure me that they’d met their partner/soulmate there, and I started to think “huh, maybe this thing is pretty neat after all.” Then I started seeing all the memes and realized once again that it was, in fact, a punchline. Just take these...

Apple Maps Gets Roasted for Its Weird Unreliability

The last time I was driving with my dad in the car, he was telling me how to get somewhere and I said “Ok, but the GPS says this is faster so I’m gonna go this way.” He insisted that it was not, in fact, faster, and these things didn’t know what they were talking about. I thought about delving into the finer points of which...

10 Things That Shouldn’t Exist, but Do

Some things are. Some things are not. But not all that is should be, and not all that should be, is. I wish I could tell you that’s a profound proverb from some ancient holy text but it’s really just my sleep-deprived way of telling you that there are certain things in this world that exist despite the fact that they really...

14 Cursed Images You Can Never Unsee

I need you to prepare yourself. Because I’m fairly certain the the images in this thread are haunted, cursed, or a third word that means basically one of those things. These pictures are the kind of thing that make you wish you could just turn the internet off. Because without the internet, these images would have stayed in whatever weird...

People Reveal the Little Things Their Girlfriends Do That Drive Them Crazy

Yanno, bein’ hot stuff isn’t always just about the…hot stuff. All kinds of things can be hot. And when you’re in love, it’s so often the little things. What is something non-sexual that your partner does that really turns you on? byu/LorryToTheFace inAskReddit Here are just a few ways women might be doin’ it...

People Reveal the Things Men Do That Are Secretly Super Hot

Fellas, do you feel pretty unattractive? I know I do most of the time. But good news! It turns out we might have been hot without even knowing it. My evidence? This thread on Reddit. What is something non-sexual that your partner does that really turns you on? byu/LorryToTheFace inAskReddit There’s all kinds of stuff in here about the...

People Reveal the Things You Should Never do on a First Date

Do you ever get the first date jitters? Want my advice on how to avoid them? Never go on dates. Boom. Problem solved. But if that’s not enough for you, you may want to take some notes from this Reddit thread. What should you NEVER do on a first date? byu/Couch_Licker inAskReddit Here are some things to NOT do if you want your next big night...

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