14 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Friendship

Where would we be without our friends? Well, if those friends are rotten, the answer might just be “in a much better place.” When you’ve known someone for a while, it can be hard to see that they’re really bad for you. Because the signs aren’t always obvious. What is a non-obvious red flag in a friendship?...

People Reveal What Really Happens when You Marry the “Cool Kid”

Were you cool in school? I wasn’t. And that’s particularly sad because I was homeschooled. So little competition and I still couldn’t pull it off. To me, people who did manage to be cool in school are absolute legends. But what happens to a legend after happily ever after? Spouses who married the cool girl/boy from your high...

15 Real Stories About What Happens when You Marry the “Cool Kid”

When I was in school, I was voted “most likely to create a fake ceremony where you vote for yourself for stuff” because I was actually homeschooled before attending a super tiny religious school with like 4 people in it. In other words, I don’t understand the typical high school experience in the least. But I am fascinated by it....

10 Tweets Specifically for You Today

Today we’ve got some tweets that are just for you. No seriously. Only you. Nobody else is allowed to look at them. They are top secret and hand-selected. By secret hands. The kind that don’t go waving at just anyone. So come on, have a look. Don’t embarrass me in front of the secret hands. Enjoy these tweets that are just for...

The Internet Can’t Stop Laughing at How Female Characters are Written

Writing is hard. Case in point, I’m trying to do it right now, and I just know that any second I’m gonna make a terrible simile; like a frosted banana waiting to go bad in the still-packed carry-on bag of life. See? I did it again. And when it comes to writing PEOPLE? Those lunatics? With all their irrational behavior and complex...

15 Incredible Moments from the Wide World of Online Dating

Ok. What if we did dating – but on the internet? Haha just kidding. Unless… I know it’s a wild idea, especially to those of us who have been in a coma for the last 15 years or so, but you can actually find people to date through apps on your phone. Or, more commonly, you can NOT find people to date through apps on your phone. It...

10 Tweets for Online Dating-Challenged

You ever spend a lot of time with online dating apps? I like to reinstall mine every 6 months or so and then immediately delete them again. It’s a fun little tradition. I’m considering centering a new religion around it with holidays and stuff. But some people are a bit more persistent than me, and as a result they come away with a lot...

10 Twitter Tributes to Online Dating

The term “online dating” used to be such a novelty. Now if I’m talking to someone about a date they’ve got coming up, I just kind of assume there’s at least a 50% chance they connected through some kind of app. On its face, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Just one more iteration in many...

15 College Memes You Can Look at Right Now Instead of Studying

College. Just looking at that word either fills you with fond memories, absolute dread, or a combination of both. Even if you’ve never been, the dread part is real. But whatever strong emotions the topic brings up in your mind, it’s nothing that can’t be expressed by a meme. These memes in particular really capture the essence of...

12 Memes for People Really Livin’ That College Life

You know, TV and movies really gave me a pretty inaccurate idea of what college was going to be like. Granted, I went to a pretty unusual University so maybe if I’d have gone to a more standard, large public place I’d be a) less in debt and b) more in tune with the “normal” kind of university stuff. In any case, no matter...

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