11 Women Confess How They Handle Their Partner’s Ex Being “Prettier” Than They Are

We all have been told since we were kids that what’s on the outside of our bodies is not the most important thing. Whether we’re pretty or handsome doesn’t make us good or more worthy than the next person, after all. That said, when you’re in a relationship – especially a new one – it can be tempting to compare...

11 People Share What Life Is Like When You’re Pregnant With A Married Man’s Baby

There are many ways we can imagine our lives going when we’re young, but I’m not sure that any of us dream about one day being pregnant with a baby that belongs to a married man. That said, life can take some interesting turns and listen. We’re not here to judge, ok? If you’re curious what this path feels like, or what...

11 People Dish On What It’s Like To Be Polyamorous And Engaged

The world is learning more and more about all kinds of genders and sexualities these days, and thankfully for all of us really, we’re more accepting of those lived experiences that are different from our own as well. If you’re curious what it’s like to be polyamorous and about to embark on a committed relationship, these 11...

10 People Talk About Life While Pregnant With A Married Man’s Baby

Pregnancy is definitely a topic that’s hot button these days, and what to do with a baby that’s not planned and perhaps not wanted by the parties involved is extra touchy. That said, most of us have never experienced finding out we’re pregnant and learning the person we’re pregnant with is married to someone else around...

10 Women Who Are Insecure About Their Partner’s Ex

When you enter into a new relationship, there’s almost 100% chance that you’re not the first person they’ve ever been romantically involved with. People have pasts, they have baggage, and they have all manner of exes – if you’re lucky, none of them have any influence still over their lives. Sometimes, though,...

10 Women Who Have Strong Feelings About The Continued Fight For Reproductive Rights

When the movement for women’s rights began over a hundred years ago , I wonder if the founders realized how long, drawn-out, and ongoing the battle would be – that we would face continued and renewed onslaughts all of these decades later, even in a world that can see, on the surface, to seem to evolved. These 10 women realize that the...

10 Teens Confess Why Their Parents Cut Them Off Financially

As a parent of young kids, it seems unfathomable to me that one day in the not too distant future I would be angry enough with them or their choices to shove them out into the big bad world on their own. That’s exactly the situation these 10 teenagers found themselves in, and even though they’re only sharing one side of the story, I...

10 Siblings Whose Rivalries Are Serious Business

I don’t know about you, but I kind of hate that sibling rivalry exists. I know that it’s natural to compare ourselves to others and, in our youngest and most formative years, the only people there to use for comparison are our brothers and sisters. That said, I much prefer a world where family builds each other up and doesn’t...

11 People Talk About What It’s Like To Break Up With Someone Who Still Loves You

I think most people would agree that the best sort of breakup is the one that’s mutual, more or less. You both knew things weren’t working, you were both aware that you weren’t willing to make the changes that could have made it work, and yeah, maybe it’s best you part ways. Some people say the next best thing is to be the...

10 People Who Cheated On Long-Distance Partners Dish On Why

If you’ve ever been a part of a long-distance relationship then you know that they come with their own particular challenges. They can leave you feeling lonely and disconnected and longing to fix those issues with no idea how to accomplish that with your partner so far away. Some people aren’t cut out to make it happen, apparently,...

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