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10+ Aunts Who Are the Definition of ‘Extra’


What is the role of an aunt? You know the answer: to be ‘extra’ as hell!

And these aunts are living up to that title in a big way.

1. You’re not getting that back

2. She’ll never take it off

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Aunty strikes again

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Wow

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. You’re in trouble now

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Gee, thanks

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Now that is extra

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. I’m jealous

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Don’t mess with her

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. That’s one way to do it

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Crime scene

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. And the best for last

Photo Credit: Facebook

Thanks to all the Aunts out there that are keeping it interesting!