Remember that old meme that went like:
“Whatchu want?”
“Give me the _______”
“Say no more, fam.”
That format keeps repeating in my head over and over as I look at these bizarre, inspired haircuts that real people chose to put on their actual heads. Every one of them is reminiscent of some animal, so let’s name the cut and take a guess as to what power they give to the wearer. Yanno. For fun!
10. The Rat
Gives you the power to turn parties silent.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
9. The Bull
Makes you real angry at the color red.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
8. The Dog
Turns you into your own best friend.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
7. The Hawk
Allows you to fly away from job interviews.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
6. The Horse
Shows the world you definitely cannot be tamed.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
5. The Scorpion
Creates a music sting that follows you everywhere.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
4. The Stallion
Finally, a horse haircut for men, because we’re worth it too.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
3. The Other Dog
Allows you to totally show up that first dog hair lady at social gatherings.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
2. The Elephant
Promises to be a style no one will ever forget.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
1. The Narwhal
Affords you all the personal space you want on the train.

Via: kbowser on Imgur
Honestly, I’m having a good laugh but I’m also not here to judge. My personal style is “null,” so I truly applaud anyone with a little flair. Even if that means putting an entire horse on your head.
What do you think of all these?
Chime in in the comments.