Putting up signs is not a very glamorous job, but have you ever considered how much power those people have? They can publicly shame their coworkers, sass people with bad manners, and force strangers to read their corny puns.
Really, this is the perfect craft for an evil genius, and these 10 hilarious signs are proof of that. Shout out to the person who refers to himself as “Sign Guy.”
10. “New Year, New You!”
9. Wow, this sign has an attitude.
8. Seriously, is Abby okay?
7. There’s always a Joe.
6. Wait, what?!
5. Wait, WHAT?!
4. Sign Guy, we salute you.
3. Now this is just mean.
2. Need the back story, stat.
1. You mean like this?
BONUS: This sign is so good, we had to include it!
BRB while I come up with my own hilarious evil sign idea.