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15 Jokes About Target


Fact: we all love shopping at Target. And if you deny it, you’re lying. I know it and you know it.

So let’s enjoy some funny jokes about our favorite store, shall we?

1. Mom knows best

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Jackpot!

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Make it rain

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. This is real life

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Can’t stop, won’t stop

Photo Credit: Instagram

6. Out of body experience

Photo Credit: Instagram

7. That’s a good feeling

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Can’t just buy one thing. Ever.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

9. About to get schooled

Photo Credit: Tumblr

10. Discounts

Photo Credit: Tumblr

11. Ain’t that the truth

Photo Credit: Tumblr

12. Try out the product

Photo Credit: Tumblr

13. Couldn’t resist

Photo Credit: Tumblr

14. It’s just like wizardry

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Happy shopping!