There’s a supreme difference between “pursuing a career” and “looking for a job.”
Though they kind of mean the same thing, the former usually implies that you’re chasing your passions – trying to grab at something that’s going to bring you fulfillment and fun, and maybe change the world around you for the better.
The latter implies that you just need a way to make your landlord shut up.
Luckily, there’s memes to soothe the pain.
12. My inner child
But I know how to use crayons, so that’s something.

Via: The Chive
11. Down on yourself
Well then good luck.

Via: The Chive
10. Full transparency
Honesty isn’t ALWAYS the best policy.

Via: The Chive
9. The waiting is the hardest part
You know how to sweet talk your way into a position, huh?

Via: The Chive
8. Staying healthy
Maybe they won’t notice this time?

Via: The Chive
7. Under pressure
*dun dun dun du-du-du-dun*

Via: The Chive
6. Basic needs
I got bills. You got bills. We all got bills.
Stop asking people why they want to work at your company! They need a job and you’re hiring! Let’s move tf on!! Nobody cares about the company “values” that y’all don’t even follow!
— MrsBundrige (@MrsBundrige) April 5, 2021
5. Gentle reminder
I’m not even sure how I’ve made it this far in life.
Applying for jobs is a great way to remind yourself that when you sit down and think about it, you actually have no quantifiable skills 🙂
— Emily Murnane (@emily_murnane) February 14, 2019
4. My cup overflows
What blessings I have.
During my interview today i poured some water into a cup and it overflowed a little bit
“Nervous?” asked the interviewer
I simply replied, “No I just always give 110%”
— 𝓂𝑒𝓁 🐬🐬🐬 (@x_meldolph) August 19, 2019
3. You shall not pass
I have an account here? I have literally never been on this website in my life.
Love applying for jobs because my true passion is resetting passwords.
— Lenny Burnham – abolish ICE, abolish the police (@lennyburnham) October 27, 2020
2. Set apart
Let’s just be real about it.
Them: “And what would you say sets your apart from other people applying for this job?”
Me: “Hmm probably that they’re all more qualified and deserving of it than I am?”
— erin whitehead (@girlwithatail) April 10, 2021
1. Brevity is the soul of wit
And sadness, probably.
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?Me: depressed
— Dᴠʀᴋ Sᴛᴀʀʀ☽✦ (@dvrkstarr) June 9, 2018
Best of luck to all the job hunters out there! You’re gonna need it.
What’s the worst job interview you’ve ever had?
Tell us about it in the comments.