You know what’s amusing? When people get a little too sensitive about a certain topic.
I’m not saying we can’t all have things we find important. We can and should. But when we try and force people into thinking the way we think about something, yeah, we’re being too sensitive. And how often does that really work?
So check out these 10 memes and calm down a bit.
Because the lower your anxiety, the better!
10. Water you talking about?!?
9. Yay for not being a psycho!
8. Hitchens with some sage advice. RIP.
7. Oh boy… or girl… ummm…
6. Parents… good lord… never do this.
5. No. The answer is no.
4. Btw, just so we’re clear… this IS NOT a real thing ANYBODY is claiming. This is a joke.
3. The funniest thing about this? Tommy Lee Jones has ZERO sense of humor.
2. Let’s all debate!
1. It’s a give and take.
How’s that anxiety? Feeling better?
Hope so!