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10 Photos of the “Furbonacci Sequence” that Might Make you Purr with Delight

You’ve heard of the Fibonacci Sequence, but now it’s time to explore the Furbonacci Sequence.

Yes, we’re talking about cats and how perfect they are. Because it’s clear that all of these cats fit into the Golden Ratio.

1. Definitely hits all the points here.

2. All curled up.

3. The eyes say it all.

4. A shot from above.

5. A perfect ball of fur.

6. Again, not Fibonacci, FURbonacci.

7. Can’t beat this one.

8. All zonked out but still mathematically perfect.

9. Look at the sequence!

10. Cat Math is fun!

That’s the kind of Math that I can get behind.

Do you have any snapshot of your kitty doing these kinds of moves? Let’s see ’em in the comments!