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10+ Photos That Prove Riding the Subway Can Be Hell

©Wikimedia Commons

There are a lot of great advantages to public transportation, but sometimes the people riding it can really ruin your day.

And then you feel like you’re in hell. Subway Hell.

Like when you’re sitting next to any of these people. EVER.

1. Really?

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Put your feet up

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Trash everywhere

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Discarded Q-tips

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Cocaine? Sure!

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Why?

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Sure, put those anywhere

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Crack pipe FTW

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. A peacock…

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Satan on board

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Stay far away

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Dinner for one

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Brought his own table

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Bro nap fest

Photo Credit: Reddit

I think I’ll just walk…