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10 Ridiculous Conversations People Have Overheard This Year

Source: @overheardla on Instagram

During my very first visit to Chicago, the city in which I now live, I had finished up the conference thing I was there to attend and was grabbing a beer a a local bar when I overheard one guy say to another, “At this point, I’m not saving up tuition money, I’m saving up bail money.”

It was such a striking little turn of phrase to overhear and I wanted to know more but I didn’t want to snoop. It’s just one of those overheard conversations that sticks in your head forever.

This Instagram account collects submissions of exactly those kinds of convos, and shares them with the rest of us to the delight of everyone. Enjoy.

10. Cracking the code

People pretending health food is EXTREMELY DELICIOUS is my least favorite genre of conversation.

9. Chicken says what?

You do you, kid.

8. Consistency

And they say that romance is dead.

7. Salad as a rock

Why are so many of these about chicken?

6. Just to be safe

Dang lady, what are you gettin’ up to out there?

5. Swing and a miss

This is a common tactic by hucksters – yell something like this out to enough people and at least a few of them will be anxious enough about their current situation to come pay you to hear more.
The downside of course is the number of relationships it almost certainly ruins.

4. Feta

I feel like our entire economy is now TikTok based and I won’t lie, I’m terrified.

3. High standards

Yeah, well, at least I knew what was in that.

2. Going through the stages

Life is beautiful.

1. Euphoria

Some of us get it.

Next time you’re out and about, keep an ear open.

You never know what gems you might catch.

What’s the best thing you’ve ever overheard?

Tell us in the comments.