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10 Things We Learned By Wasting Our Childhood Playing “The Sims”

If you’re like me, you could have been a millionaire if you spent as much time learning about finance as you did playing “The Sims” growing up.

I guess we’re all not millionaires then, yeah? Anybody?

But we did learn some completely useless things about life, so here they are…

How many personality traits do you really need? Five. Just five.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Newspapers just take up WAY too much space…

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Your life isn’t complete until Drew Carey crashes your party…

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

House look like hot garbage? Who cares… as long as that bed is hot AF!

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Life has no maybes. It’s now or never.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Remember that kid you had who started getting bad grades and then they were shipped off to a military school, never to be seen again? Yeah, me neither…

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Clowns can just randomly move in to your house and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

You’re so lazy that you’ll just pee on the floor.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Nobody knows what to do when fire breaks out.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Friendship is hard.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Okay, now go study some finance and get rich. Enough Sims already!