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10 Tweets for These Trying Times

Source: @lukasbattle on Twitter

I don’t even know what to say anymore when attempting to segue from the horrors of reality into a list of fun tweets, to be honest. But as with most things, true expression can be found, if not in words, than with memes. So, I made you this meme in lieu of an intro paragraph:

Source: FX / Me

10. Original sin

“Bless me father, for I am about to spill this tea like the Boston Harbor.”

9. Bird is the word

Sticks and stones may break my bones but birds are total jerks.

8. No small artists

It’s really given him something to chew on.

7. Act now

I’ll just forget to cancel and end up paying for something I never use. I know this scam.

6. Absolutely trashed

Do you ever feel / like a plastic bag / drifting through the wind / wanting to start again…

5. Seal of approval

They’re so dang happy they gotta turn their whole body into a smile. 🙂

4. Giddyup

Please don’t do this to medical professionals, it’s way too funny.

3. Visions of the future

Whomever this is, we need them to replace Nate Silver immediately.

2. Clowning around

I’m boo boo the fool.

1. Week link in the chain

True story: at my 2020 NYE party I had a long and passionate argument with friends about whether the week truly started on Sunday or Monday. If only I knew how little it would soon matter…

I hope those brightened your mood a bit. I’d offer you an actual egg but, yanno, this is the internet. And I don’t know where you live.

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