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10 Wholesome Memes to Brighten Your Day

Via: Pleated Jeans

We all need a little bit of wholesome in our lives. Actually, we all need a LOT of it. It’s the least we can do as far as countermeasures to all the awful with which we find ourselves surrounded.

Lucky for us, there is a whole genre of memes that are very wholesome, and they’re FREE! Because they’re memes!

Take a hearty dose of some now and contemplate the kindness.

10. Pushing my buttons

The secret ingredient is getting to the point. 🙂

9. The Matchmaker

One of the lesser known Marvel heroes, but an important one nonetheless.

8. Praise the chub

Their gods were in many ways more human than we’ll allow ourselves to be.

7. That confident stride

He take an biiiiig steppy.

6. Run for it

“I heard you were hungry, I came as fast as I possibly could, here’s some goulash.”

5. The big lie

Sometimes, it can be used as a force for undeniable good.

4. The connection

It doesn’t matter that it’s not normal, it’s yours and that’s what counts.

3. A leetle kees

There doesn’t have to be a reason, there just has to be a kiss.

2. Worth it

You know I got that thang on me.

1. Why not indeed

The one ring was kindness all along.

We hope you have a wholesome day!

What’s something nice that’s happened for you recently?

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