It’s time to just calm the f*ck down already, put that anxiety aside and just BREATHE.
Phew… that was nice. Because that’s all it takes. Thinking about it.
No… just a long, cleansing breath in… and then out. Let that anxiety just melt away.
Okay, now on to these memes. Those should help too!
1. All day. All night.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
2. What even is reality anymore?!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
3. Agreed.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
4. Oh! That’s all I had to do?!?

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
5. Do that thing!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
6. Yes, that’ll do it!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
7. OMFG…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
8. What happened?!?

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
9. Not so fast…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
10. Never go to sleep right away. Ever.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
11. Oh, I’m you alright…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
Well, how do you feel? Anxious as always. I knew it!
Okay, share how you feel in the comments anyway. Anxious or otherwise. Because we actually DO care about you. For reals.