Ladies, do you know what your hubby does when you aren’t there? Think he has a secret life?
These 11 men confess that when the women are away, they will play…
Find out more…
1. Awwww, that’s sweet!

Photo Credit: Whisper
2. Actually, pretty normal feeling…

Photo Credit: Whisper
3. There ya go!

Photo Credit: Whisper
4. Damn!

Photo Credit: Whisper
5. Naughty naughty…

Photo Credit: Whisper
6. You can’t watch when she’s in town?

Photo Credit: Whisper
7. Yep. Been married too long…

Photo Credit: Whisper
8. Iron will…

Photo Credit: Whisper
9. Dad FTW!

Photo Credit: Whisper
10. Okay, she’s either going to LOVE or HATE this!

Photo Credit: Whisper
11. Get high every day…

Photo Credit: Whisper
What do you think about these hubbies? Not so bad? Violations of trust?
Let us know in the comments!