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11 Memes Made Just for the Ladies

I’m all about equality, and I definitely believe men and women can be and do anything they want regardless of their gender preference, but listen – some jokes just aren’t made for the male sense of humor.

And these 11 memes definitely fall under the category of “funnier if you’re a woman.”


11. Hey, he knows exactly what he’s getting.

And surprise cheese is never a bad thing.

10. You can do really amazing things with computers these days.

You truly never know what you’re going to get in real life.

9. We definitely get dressed with other women in mind, not men.

Women are way more judgy.

8. I want to believe that is a real status so badly.

Also, I want to say I don’t know how this could happen, and yet…

7. My husband still has a few years to go.

Here’s hoping this is true and the real answer isn’t hahaha never.

6. This made me snort.

I never like my nail color the first time around.

5. Wouldn’t you get really hot, though?

I mean, I’d be willing to find out.

4. That’s quite an excellent day.

Even better if he was a prince.

3. You mean people wear makeup at home?

Words of affirmation are not my love language.

2. Hey, quitting time is no time to play.

And you can still judge people without the robe – just look at those sunglasses!

1. It just means you’re doing something right.

Seriously, don’t sweat it, George Costanza.


I am a woman and I definitely snickered at more than a few of these!

Tell us which one was your favorite in the comments!