Somebody smart once said, “to err is human.” I think there was more to it than that, but I like just taking comfort in that first bit, because I err all the time, and at the very least that confirms that I am, in fact, a human person. Because honestly, I’m not always sure. It’s easy to feel like a bad person. Not morally bad, but like, bad at doing person things. What am I supposed to just, use this brain and this body and do ’em both correctly all the time? Pretty tall order, honestly.
It’s good to know that there are others out there, like me, who aren’t super sure about this whole “being a person” thing. Here are 11 memes that confirm it.
11. Simulation overload.
They won’t see us waving from such great heights, come down now…they’ll say…

Via: Symmetry5 on Imgur
10. State of being
Why am I like this…

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
9. Jungle love
When you meant to text Harambe.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
8. Mood swing
Even Michael Scott is a human.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
7. Party animal
Time to make some more terrible decisions.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
6. Change is good
Please don’t take that tone with me. Or that one. Just avoid all tones.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
5. Biological clock
Does my own brain hate me?

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
4. Phony phone
I’m talking to my apps, thank you very much.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
3. Making an appearance
“Just make sure we’ve been seen and let’s go.”

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
2. Little traumas
Joke’s on them, I couldn’t read it anyway.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
1. Life skills
Nurture your nature for instant success.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
In conclusion, I’m not always good at writing endings to things. Dammit, that was terrible. Looks like I’ve still got a lot of work to do on this whole person-being thing. Ah, well. One day at a time.
What’s the weirdest thing about being human?
Share your thoughts in the comments.