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11 People Share the Craziest/Weirdest Thing They’ve Seen in Somebody’s House

Every family does things a bit differently. Some families allow their pets on the furniture, some families don’t. Some families have animated conversations over dinner, while others sit in the living room and watch TV while they eat. And some families are truly unique.

These 11 redditors shared and things got weird…

1. Mannequins are always creepy

I did a window replacement on a big house in an expensive old area of town. It was lived in by an elderly lady until she passed. It was recent because all her things were still there, this place was a perfect time capsule of the 1960’s each room had a different theme/vibe and there were manniquens set up all wearing 60’s clothing in every room in different scenarios. It was really bizzarre. Kinda seemed like the lady was lonely or something.

2. Prison bars

Decorative prison bars in the dining room.

I went to an open house and part of the wall had been cut out between the dining and living room and replaced with metal prison bars.

The owners said their daughter was an art student.

3. That’s an odd place for a toilet

A functioning toilet against the wall in a bedroom.

Edit: to be clear, there was no sink. Which makes it way more disturbing imo.

4. Chickens everywhere

My best friend’s mom is obsessed with chicken trinkets.

I’m talking chicken pictures on plates, chicken pillows, porcelain chickens, pictures of chickens on blankets, ect.

Everyone I know has just gotten used to it, but it’s always funny watching someone new walk in.

5. Unique coffee table

When I was in high school, my Mom came home from a garage sale with a coffin.

It was a wooden antique from England. It was from the 19th century. It had screw holes in the top which lifted all the way off.

The couple who sold it to her were getting rid of it because they disagreed about what purpose it should serve. The wife wanted to keep using it as a coffee table w/blanket storage and the husband wanted to turn it into a gun rack. My Mom thought it was great as a coffee table so my siblings and I spent the next few years asking our friends, “Would you like a blanket from the coffin?” while we watched TV.

So yeah, high school was fun.

6. Seems small

This was many many years ago. I had a friend in 1st grade and she was never allowed over to my house-still no idea why. But I visited her home once-it was a very tiny apartment with 2 closet sized bedrooms, the one bedroom had a crib-like what a baby half her size would sleep in. She told me that’s where she slept. I found it quite odd and very disturbing even in my 6 year old mind. I moved away the end of the school year so never found out more.

7. Four places at the dinner table

I went to my friend Brian’s house once for dinner and his mom set 4 places. One for me, one for brian, one for her self and the last one was for a doll with a cut out picture of Brian’s dead grandmothers face taped to the dolls face.

Very creepy.

8. That’s a lot of Elvis

First week freshman year, my new roommate and default best friend tells me we’re going to a board game night somewhere. I figure “fuck it, I’ve got no new friends yet, maybe this is the way to do it.” So we go, it ends up being at some sort of church house but that’s fine I guess, we play some train board game and have an alright time with some people who only seem a little weird, but not enough to really throw me off.

So the game wraps up and me and my roommate are about to go home when the pastor says “Wait! You haven’t seen the bathroom yet! You’ve gotta see it, everyone sees my bathroom!”

Okay….. So we open the door and walk into this little bathroom where every single square inch of the walls, sink, toilet, ceiling, and floor are covered in Elvis memorabilia. Posters, tickets, photos, albums, lyric sheets, everything you can imagine. And mounted above the toilet is a creepy, mostly realistic Elvis animatronic, singing head.

Needless to say, this was discomfort I had never felt before. It was beyond being a fan or obsessive or any of that. It was really frightening. So we turn around to him holding a guest book for us to sign. Obviously I made up an email and phone number so he wouldn’t email me or call me, and then my roommate, a devout Catholic, tells him he appreciates it but he’s Jewish and he just wanted to come with me while I checked out their small group. That was a weird night.

9. So much Febreeze

Hundreds of those automatic febreeze sprays. Like actual hundreds. I couldn’t breathe inside the house.

Edit: the house belonged to an old lady.

The entire house was creepy af.

It was located right next to a shooting range and we had to interrupt every conversation because of gun shots.

I didn’t see mold, but it was probably under one of the thousands of lace curtains. Everything was covered with lace, even some of the febreeze sprayers.

10. Not something I’d keep as a pet

Keeping tens of cockroaches as pets in a box in their room.

Edit: they weren’t for feeding reptiles, they were actual pets being fed. This was a teenage friend many years ago, he apparently loved capturing insects like pokemon

11. Interesting art

I work in a job where sometimes I have to go deploy equipment in people’s homes. I was doing a project where I had to set up some stuff in the kitchen of a very nice vacation rental, which was unoccupied due to the fact that this was February in northern Michigan. The whole thing was decked out to the nines in cutesy, wealthy Grandma-type decor, except for the kitchen. The only artwork in there was a painting of three fish with photorealistic p*nises and testicles instead of tails, hanging above the stove so that it was the first thing you saw when you walked in.

I have never been so disappointed that our project instructions forbade the photographing of property owners’ belongings.

Wow… just… wow.

Got a crazy story about something you’ve seen in somebody’s house? Share that sh^t in the comments, yo!