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11 People Share Thoughts We All Have Experienced

If you don’t say same to all 11 of these, imma gonna let you talk, but imma gonna be disappointed.

Listen, there are just some common feelings we all have – there’s no getting around it. If you don’t share these feelings, well…you’re almost not a human being. In fact, you’re probably evidence that alien life has infiltrated humanity. That’s how relatable these all are.

So enjoy them already!

11. Why does my brain and ears hate me?

10. Hey, it’s essential.

9. Uh ohhhhhhhhh

8. They get me to the core

7. Yeah, what are morals anyway?

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6. Let’s not get crazy, okay?!

Photo Credit: Twitter/AbGates7

5. Psst, just wash them in cold.

4. Don’t look at me like that!

3. Scammers gotta scam. Scanners gotta scan.

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2. EVERYBODY in one chart

1. Why bother with life at all anyway?

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Now then, where did I leave my childhood?

Oh, it’s lost forever?

Okay, thanks.