Hey! Do you have a dad? Yeah you do! We all do! Or all of us have HAD a dad at least…
Sorry, that got a little dark.
Sooooo… if you’ve ever have a dad… the tweets below illustrate easily how true the jokes really are – even if men don’t even realize how and when and why it starts to happen.
1. Because kids are exhausting, obvs.
Why do all dads sleep on the couch once they sit down
— El Danny (@smcldaniel) July 3, 2018
2. Their backs hurt.
Why do dads always grunt when they sit down
— refiek (@safesexisnosex) July 8, 2018
3. They don’t really know what year it is.
Why do all dads think they are 20 years younger than they actually are
— fre5havo (@fre5havo) June 2, 2019
4. They have so little joy in life.
5. Safety first!
6. Seriously why do they love noise?
Why do Dads have to sneeze so loud like what are you going to gain from it
— s (@selintkknt) September 27, 2018
7. It’s very serious business.
Why do dads always watch the news like this 😂 pic.twitter.com/kS82Y3lFmx
— TShaw (@MVPJunkie) June 13, 2019
8. Their diets are cr*p.
why do dads fart so much
— Fursona non grata (@femkant) October 22, 2014
9. Ask George Costanza.
Like quick question why do dads have way to thick wallets???
— Sardard (Headache) (@DaSardard) May 23, 2019
10. To irritate others, I’m pretty sure.
why do all dads have to back in to every parking spot. like they have to prove themselves to everybody
— rachel (@raybabay_) November 16, 2016
11. To make sure they did not, in fact, melt in their hand?
why do dads always shake their handful of peanuts/m&m’s etc before popping them in their mouth?
— Spicy (@RyanMalicsi) November 23, 2018
We may not know why this happens to men, but it sure is funny!
Let us know your favorites in the comments! Because that’s what we do here!