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11 Tweets From Women That You Might Enjoy

Work sucks. Life sucks. The world is going to hell.

What else do you have in your life right now except a little bit of funny? Is that too much to ask?

No, of course not! And leave up to the ladies to deliver time and time and time again!

11 of the funniest tweets coming at ya!

1. That political horse race… neigh?

2. Who doesn’t see texts? I mean, come on…

3. I hate 2019. Really, really a lot.

4. That skin cream game is real, fam!

5. Oh the fun we’ve had!

6. I’ve got the same list for my dad! Weird!

7. “I’d like to not sleep with you any longer, unless you’re okay with me sleeping with everybody. Your choice.”

8. True dat. Those nieces and nephews getting WAY too much attention…

9. OMFG… those receipts are the stuff of legend!

10. Yes. Yes I am. You nailed it.

11. I’ve tried this and it works PERFECTLY

That was fun! Which one did you like the best? Let us know in the comments!

And while you’re here, why not trying out some other posts? It’ll only take a few minutes, and you’ll laugh your ass off.

Guaranteed or your time back!