More of us are cooking or baking at home right now, and we’re not all…great at it. But, as they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the path toward edible creations starts with some baking abominations.

Lucky for us, a lot of people have a good enough sense of humor about it to post their culinary misadventures publicly that we may revel in the failure together. Here are a few great examples.

12. It’s trying to escape

11. Cooking makes me pretty p*oped

10. I um…see the light?

9. We’re all in this together

8. This is the start of a Gremlins movie

7. The boxy bunny

6. Are those…manholes covers?

5.  Festering frosting

4. Burninate

3. These look like ancient symbols

2. Don’t trust the crust

1. At least they’re smiling?

It’s good to try new things. It’s good to be bad at those things for a while. If you like it, keep at it. And keep sharing the failures, cause they’re really funny.

What’s your biggest kitchen fail?

Tell us in the comments.