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12 Choosing Beggars Who Are Real Bad at Negotiating

Via: Ok-Reality-5797 on Reddit

They say that beggars can’t be choosers, but that’s not strictly true.

As with so many uses of the word “can’t,” it might more properly be replaced with the word “shouldn’t.”

Beggars SHOULDN’T be choosers, because when they are, they end up looking very silly, and then they get showcased on subreddits specifically designed to call them out. Like these people did.

12. If you need

“I’m a YouTuber. Which one? Don’t worry about it.”

11. Free will

That’s the sprite.

10. Charity

“Have you thought about starting a small business instead?” What?

9. Free for me

I mean sure, B-movies on DVD aren’t worth a lot, but come on dude.

8. Dishonest

Nobody gets angrier faster than someone who doesn’t grasp basic concepts.

7. My son…

Your son is sick so you…need a free chair?

6. The naked truth

Well this exchange is just all kinds of awful.

5. Feeling twitchy

I’ll be on the lookout for all those flying pigs.

4. No

I genuinely don’t even understand what the internet is anymore.

3. Qualifications

This is what you show an older person when they hit you with JuSt GeT a BeTtEr JoB tHeN.

2. Crazy mad boys

“You don’t know who I am or what I’m doing and I offer you nothing, but come work for me.”

1. Park it

Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure disability stickers entitle you to more CONVENIENT parking, not free.

Beggars shouldn’t be choosers. But they’re gonna anyway. Just try to make sure you’re not counted among their number.

Have you had a situation with a person like this?

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