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12 Honest Jokes About Airports


Airports are a necessary evil – we’re willing to put up with them because we love going new places (and coming home, too), but that doesn’t mean we have to like them.

And it doesn’t mean we can’t recognize these 12 truths that pretty much prove when we’re at the airport, we might as well be in actual purgatory.

12. Flames, shooting out the sides of my face.

11. The rest of us are trying not to have a heart attack here.

10. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is just all too much.

9. Just no.

8. Why does this happen?

7. It would be funnier if people would stop believing it.

6. I got this.

5. Too many questions.

4. Hey, you gotta entertain yourself somehow.

3. We need a system, people!

2. Point?

1. Just out there flaunting it, too.


I hope all of the hand sanitizer dispensers are full on your next trip!