With all the talk about the fights between Millennials and Boomers lately, it seems like folks from Generation X have gotten lost in the shuffle.
Well, let’s put an end to that RIGHT NOW.
Here are some funny Gen X memes for those of you who have felt ignored lately.
1. Just enjoy the show.
Photo Credit: someecards
2. Whatever, dude.
Photo Credit: someecards
3. I think it will help.
Photo Credit: someecards
4. You better believe it.
Photo Credit: someecards
5. Jan is over it.
Photo Credit: someecards
6. Be like Lebowski.
Photo Credit: someecards
7. Yes! This is perfect.
Photo Credit: someecards
8. Not even bothering with it.
Photo Credit: Twitter
9. It was complicated, though.
Photo Credit: Twitter
10. Show him who’s boss!
Photo Credit: Twitter
11. Have a good time.
Photo Credit: Twitter
12. Damn right!
Photo Credit: Twitter
Well, I think it’s safe to say that we just gave Generation X at least a little bit of the attention they deserve.
What about you? What generation do you belong to? What do you like or dislike about it?
Talk to us in the comments!