Trying to diet? Yep, we know the feeling.
All you think about is food. You’re thinking about food right now, aren’t you?
Well, feast on these tasty memes and laugh until you cry. That’ll burn some calories!
Photo Credit: Someecards
2. This is sustainable, yeah?
Photo Credit: Someecards
3. Bread cat looks DELISH!
Photo Credit: Someecards
4. You’re going the wrong way!
Photo Credit: Someecards
5. Yes, I think it is…
Photo Credit: Someecards
6. With friends like these…
Photo Credit: Someecards
7. Come on… it’s been FOREVER!
Photo Credit: Someecards
8. Just stay home…
Photo Credit: Someecards
9. Enhhhhh….
Photo Credit: Someecards
10. I’m just better than everybody else
Photo Credit: Someecards
11. Unfollow 4 lyfe!
Photo Credit: Someecards
12. That’s healthy, right?
Photo Credit: Someecards
So, that probably wasn’t as satisfying as knocking out a whole bag of potato chips, but we’ve got plenty more where that came from?
Which did you like the best? Let us know in the comments!