Does the world seem like a harsh place right now? Come take respite in the warm embrace of memes. No matter what’s going on out there, in memes there will always be understanding. Always comradely. Memes do not judge and they do not assault. They revitalize. They strengthen.
Take these 12 memes with you before continuing your perilous journey through reality.
12. The ultimate puzzle
The T’s that tease.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
11. Paralyzed by choice
I doughnut like this one bit.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
10. Chattering bones
Hahaha what’s a trip?

Via: anlyin on Imgur
9. Count your blessings
Safe with a partner or stuck with a nuisance?

Via: anlyin on Imgur
8. Early temptations
It’s been 5 minutes, I probably deserve a treat.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
7. Monday blues
Even from home the day still stings.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
6. Reverse, reverse!
Good thing you saved that $2, though.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
5. Let’s taco bout it
But what are all my guests going to eat?

Via: anlyin on Imgur
4. Circle of death
Pictures taken right before disaster.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
3. Ruffing it
Plot twist: he charges him rent.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
2. New school
It’s almost like the economy is nonsense.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
1. Look on the bright side
Rub some essential oils on it, maybe.

Via: anlyin on Imgur
We know those memes didn’t exactly fix the problems in the real world, but we hope that taking this break to look at them has made those problems feel a little less daunting.
What are you favorite kind of memes?
Tell us in the comments!