I’ve been struggling a lot lately, what with *gestures vaguely at everything* all of this nonsense, and I’m looking into talking with a therapist again. I think that’s a healthy thing to do that nobody should be ashamed of, even if you’re just trying to work through some “normal” bad feelings you’ve got about things. However, therapy is…kind of expensive, so while I do some comparison shopping, I’m pretty glad I’ve got memes as a stop-gap.

Obviously that’s a joke, memes aren’t a real substitute for mental healthcare. They can be pretty damn cathartic though, and surely that’s a semi-therapeutic thing. So check out these 12 struggle memes, and maybe feel a little better knowing that someone out there gets it.

12. It’s rewind time

Try summarizing this year without punching something, I dare you.

11. Futile exercise

“This will be my year to get fit,” we all lied to ourselves…

10. This is America

Things accelerate quick.

9. It’s a sign

Me too, kid. Me too.

8. Just the beginning

Don’t even joke about something like that.

7. Worry Warrior

Can’t start screaming if you never stopped.

6. Keeping up appearances

[annoyed grunt]

5. Psychic visions

Man, I’m a regular Miss Cleo.

4. Left behind

I swear we were doing something before…

3. The adventure begins

Learn the warning signs, me.

2. Inflated expectations

It’s like a reverse Grinch.

1. Hope

No jokes on this one. Just take a breath.

If you’re struggling hard right now, you are definitely not alone. Remember to reach out. Remember to clear your head now and then. You’ve got this.

What’s your biggest issue with this year?

Tell us in the comments (try to be civil.)