You gotta have a sense of humor in life about the difficult stuff. Anxiety is definitely one of those tough things that many, many people have to deal with on a daily basis.
Hopefully, these 12 memes will make you laugh and give you at least a moment’s break from your anxiousness.
1. Oh, thanks!
I never thought of this way and I guess I will now FOREVER…

Photo Credit: Twitter, brokeymcpoverty
2. Oh yeah, this will work.
Works every single time!

Photo Credit: Twitter, ImJustCeej
3. Uh oh…
Hello darkness my old friend…

Photo Credit: Twitter, aidan
4. So what’s third base?
Soul crushing non-sex?

Photo Credit: Twitter, nueports
5. Those dots!
They haunt me!

Photo Credit: Twitter, TheFunnyTeens
6. Stop poking me!
I don’t know why you do these things all the time!

Photo Credit: Twitter, RachLWhitehurst
7. All of your dreams might come true…
And that’s terrifying!

Photo Credit: Twitter, annabroges
8. How much time do you have?
I’ve got all life.

Photo Credit: Twitter, iQuoteComedy
9. Can’t you just act normal?
No? Why not?

Photo Credit: Twitter, natisnotlame
10. Ohhhhhh… I thought you were talking about somebody else!
Not me? Not me! NOT ME!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle
11. Truth.
The most complicated cucumbers.

Photo Credit: Twitter, JackBinstead
12. I never got why these are good for us.
I’m not a child. I don’t do crayons.

Photo Credit: Twitter, TragicAllyHere
Oh goodie! We’re at the end! Don’t you feel anxiety free?
No? Well, me neither. I mean, let’s be honest… it never goes away.
Still, what were your favorite memes? Let us know, fam!