The modern trend of exploding popularity in true crime media may seem confusing at first. I mean honestly, who wants to hear about a bunch of grisly murders for fun?
But if you think about it, the answer to that question is: most of us. For kind of a long time.
Before we had Serial and its many imitations, we had Dateline and Unsolved Mysteries and other quasi-journalistic primetime crime entertainment.
Not to mention the fact that violent crime has always been sensationalized to sell papers and keep viewers glued to their TVs, and even outside the realm of the “real” stuff, murder mystery stories have been a staple of novels for as long as we’ve had novels (longer than that, actually.)
So I guess we just need to face the facts that, somehow, for some reason, we just love hearing about murder. So much that we make memes about it.
12. Amatuer hour
If it were me I’d really know how to get the job done.

Via: Someecards
11. Missing the point
Come on! How can everyone but me be so blind!

Via: Someecards
10. The sound of murder
It’s my jam. It’s my vibe.

Via: Someecards
9. Perp up
I know how this goes, there will be at least two more misleads before we land on the real guy.

Via: Someecards
Video filters have done wonders for the dramatic crime industry.

Via: Someecards
7. Just hangin’ out
Parasocial relationships at their absolute weirdest.

Via: Someecards
6. Look out
This is how you turn into that kook on your block who’s calling the cops every two days.

Via: Someecards
Honestly, I don’t think I could ever get tired of this meme format.

Via: Someecards
4. Frustration
Come on, we need our stories.

Via: Someecards
3. Patience is a virtue
Time is relative, what can I say.

Via: Someecards
2. Get the picture
Gotta have a solid image in my head so this will work.

Via: Someecards
1. Watch out
It’s all about the couch, baby.

Via: Someecards
Well, the case of where all the good memes are at is officially solved.
What’s your favorite true crime fix?
Give us your recommendations in the comments.