People… it’s meme time. Best Friend Meme Time. And that’s a special time, indeed.
Because when it’s Best Friend Meme Time, it’s time to laugh. Maybe cry. But definitely not be sad. Because even if you don’t have a best friend, I’m sure yours in right around the corner, just waiting to meet you! Remember… a best friend is a gift you give yourself.
Wise words folks… coming from… well, me? Yeah, I’m writing this. It’s me.
Alright, let’s get to those memes!
1. Hey bestie! You get me so much!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
3. Girl… ahole alert!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
4. No. You do not get to do that. I’m sorry. Good bye.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
5. Fierce AF squad!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
6. That’s right! I am THAT beotch!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
7. Hehehe… inside joke besties!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
8. YES! YES!! YES!!!!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
9. Gurl… AGAIN??

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
10. Get in there and don’t come out until you’re sober!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
11. Yep! Accurate!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
12. Gotta have that friend balance!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans
Now that you’ve read all of these BFF memes, don’t you want to text yours right now? Or do you want to go give them a huge?
Me, I’m going to go fix a delicious meal, sit in the dark and stare in the mirror. Because I’m my own best friend.
Boy, that got dark! But let’s lighten things up. Share your fave meme in the comments! Please and thank you!