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15 Photos Of People Who Came Up With Genius Ideas


These people are geniuses. The brainiest of the brainy. And they will be recognized now in all of their glory.

And don’t you ever forget it.

1. See what I’m talking about?

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Genius in my book

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. For the elite

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Someone is watching…

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Just try it

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Next level

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Bright kid

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. We all need this

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Don’t underestimate Ma Maw

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Cue creepy music

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. She’s expecting twins

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Please let it be true

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Revenge

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. This woman needs to be in Mensa

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. And the smartest man in the world is…

Photo Credit: Twitter

I don’t know about you, but I’m incredibly inspired.
