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12 Times People Struggled With The English Language

Image Credit: Reddit

English is hard, even if you’re a native speaker. Sometimes, the right word just won’t come – or, you’ve only heard it and never seen it spelled, maybe?

I don’t know. I’m just trying to give these 12 people the benefit of the doubt.

When really, they just could have used Google.

12. Sometimes we all need a hug.

Image Credit: Twitter

11. I love that Google figured it out.

10. Eh, close enough.

Image Credit: Twitter

9. He was jus trying out something new!

Image Credit: Twitter

8. Gonna go watch the back of my eyelids.

7. Yes. Yes I did.

6. Too late.

5. He made someone’s day at the factory.

4. Okay just stop.

3. “Bird leaf” seems like the right word, honestly.

Image Credit: Twitter

2. That’s a great nickname if I’ve ever seen one.

Image Credit: Tumblr

1. An apt description if I’ve ever seen one.

Some of these made me snort out loud!

Do you have a story like this? Share it with us in the comments!