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12 Times Social Media Influencers Wanted Free Stuff but Got Shamed Instead

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s a brave new world out there, folks, when “famous” can have myriad meanings – and when one of those things is “has lots of followers because she takes pretty pictures for Instagram.”

I’m serious.

And y’all, these influencers get free stuff all the time, because businesses figure their service or product will get mentioned in front of all those followers.

The more followers, the better engagement, the nicer your free stuff.

Here, though, are 12 influencers who asked for things a bit out of their reach, and got smacked down in pretty public ways.

12. This is very sadly not a joke.

11. Well, this is very telling.

10. Wild, standing applause.

9. You can call them rude, but…

8. Consider yourselves smacked down.

7. Yikes, y’all Just…yikes.

6. It never takes too long for true colors to emerge.

5. Short, sweet, and to the point.

4. You know, just like everyone else?

3. How about we try this instead.

2. I see this plan is catching on.

1. This whiny justification makes me want to puke.

Does it make me a bad person that I really enjoyed reading these? Don’t answer that.

INSTEAD… let us know your favorite influencer takedowns in the comments! Because we love the sh^t out of that!