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12 Times the Anti-Vaxx Crowd Got Taken to School Immediately by Reason, Logic & Science

Anti-vaxxers are an unfortunate side effect of people’s ability to publish anything they want across the internet and for others to simply believe that bullsh^t because they want to.

And, to be fair, a lot of those who believe the nonsense have genuinely had horrible things happen to them and family members. And they obviously want to find explanations why those things happened.

Still, diseases that had been kept in check for decades have suddenly popped back up again, and it’s the growing ignorance about vaccinations that’s to blame.

Thankfully, these 12 people got put in check quickly so their lies couldn’t spread further.

Oh, nature will take its course all right…

Photo Credit: Rear Front

Never saw it coming…

Photo Credit: Rear Front

Carol always asks the really stupid questions…

Photo Credit: Rear Front

Will people PLEASE start listening to reason and science? Please?!?

Photo Credit: Rear Front

How do people not understand the whole “painful, slow death” part of these diseases?!

Photo Credit: Rear Front

Fuck these people. Seriously.

Photo Credit: Rear Front

They do “research”

Photo Credit: Rear Front

Yeah, this is the right kind of discrimination

Photo Credit: Rear Front

They’ll employ ANY kind of logic to justify their beliefs…

Photo Credit: Rear Front

And nothing they say ever really adds up…

Photo Credit: Rear Front

They also lie ALL the time…

Photo Credit: Rear Front

And scene…

Photo Credit: Rear Front

Every single time one of these idiots makes these claims, I hope there’s somebody like these folks to shut them down.

Every. Single. Time.