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12 Relatable Office Bathroom Tweets That Will Make You Say ‘UGH’

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Using the bathroom at work is… complicated. It can be awkward. It can be a nice distraction from work. And it can also be frustrating, when your coworkers turn out to have been raised by wolves.

Anyone who’s ever worked anywhere with a bathroom will totally get these 12 tweets.

12. When you’re stuck in a p*op-off.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. When you’re trying to be discreet.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. When you find the “just right” stall.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. When you need your coworkers to GET TF OUT.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. When the cleaning person is in there.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. When you can’t forget that smell.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Seriously, who ARE these people?

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. When you lose seniority over the air dryer.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. When you have to phone the police over some perfume.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. When you try to take a selfie but…

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. When the handle is WET 🙁

Photo Credit: Twitter

 1. When the bathroom becomes a crime scene.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Someday we’ll all get to work from home, where we can p*op in peace.