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13 Absurd Hairstyles That Might Make You Spit Out Your Drink

Via: ArgyBargyMumblecrust on Reddit

Thinking about going out and getting a new style, but you’re not sure what to choose?

Are you maybe feeling a little bit put off by the same takes over and over again?

Well, fear not. Because Reddit has got plenty of new ideas. Even if some of them are off the beaten path a bit.

13. Bowl and Buzz Mullets

The hair is fascinating but I’m transfixed by the body language and facial expression of the person on the left.

12. Red Alert

The closest most of us can get to having an actual tail.

11. The Swoop

It’s the 50’s AND the future in here.

10. Comb Over Ponytail

He’s got so much and so little at the same time.

9. The Self Bang

Desperate times and all of that.

8. Hockey Flow

The perfect style to rock before getting your teeth knocked out.

7. The Look

I kinda dig it, honestly.

6. The Impermanent Perm

So no one told you life was gonna be this way…

5. The Peak

Or maybe the avalanche?

4. The Sale

The higher the hair, the closer to closing.

3. The Long Haul

He’s got dedication, I’ll give him that.

2. Timeless

Ah yes. Just at home today as it was never.

1. Peacock Karen

She has looked into the eyes of God himself – and demanded to see his manager.

If you can’t find inspiration in any of those, then you need to call up your muse and have a chat because they are failing you.

What’s your favorite hairstyle?

Tell us in the comments.