Sometimes you just need a meme to make your day feel better. And we all know that YOU are that friend. You’re the meme friend. You send out that group text that gives everybody a pick up.
So this one is for you, my super special internet friend! Enjoy these memes and make sure to share early and often!
1. So soft…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
2. Let’s go!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
3. Don’t get it twisted, Lady…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
4. Nightmare fuel

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
5. Yes, I see you Snickers!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
6. Oh SHiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
7. That’s Halloween for you!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
8. Sound about right!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
9. Been there. Done that. Today.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
10. f*cking Patricias….

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
11. Pawfect!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
12. Ahhhhhhh

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
13. OMFG… this is EXACTLY exact.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
And there you have it! 13 perfect memes to share with those you love so they know how much you love them.
Also… if you have any choice memes you want to share with us WE LOVE THAT sh^t! Drop them in the comments.
Don’t be shy! We’ll wait…