Do you remember when you and your crush had to pass little bits of paper back and forth with notes written on them? What do you mean, “No?” What do you mean, “I got my first cell phone in 3rd grade?” What do you mean, “You’re super old and nobody relates to your dumb stories anymore?” Rude.

Anyway, back when the world was black and white, that’s what we did. It was kind of labor intensive but it was worth it. Now, we can send each other notes from anywhere at any time with pretty much no effort, and whether or not it’s worth it is…up for debate. Check out these dating and relationship texts and decide for yourself.

13. Shawarma police

Arrest this man.

12. Inside feelings

Um. Excuse me.

11. Hot singles

Is he on the right track?

10. It’s true

Love is annoying.

9. Lowkey

This is pornographic.

8. The big reveal

Conversations you don’t wanna have with your mom.

7. Touchdown!

Take a hint, my guy.

6. A whale of a tale

Oh man, this reminds me, this is one of the only Star Trek movies I haven’t seen.

5. Group think

We’re all very happy for you.

4. A big deal

I’d like you to expand on this.

3. Divine intervention

You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.

2. Wide awake

How is this even possible?

1. Birthday wishes

No need to go through the charade.

So, what do you think? Is the ability to text each other all the time, good, bad, or just hilarious?

Let us know your opinion.

Make your voice heard in the comments.