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13 People on the Internet Who Are Most Definitely Lying

Image Credit: Reddit

You know that awkward moment when you know someone is lying, and they probably know you know they’re lying, but no one says anything because it’s just so dumb?

These 13 people definitely found themselves in that situation, and the secondhand awkward is super strong.

Please enjoy.

13. Honestly you want men to be a little afraid of you.

But lmk when you actually do this and don’t just fantasize about it mmkay?

12. Guys what are we even supposed to do with this.

Who on earth would think anyone would believe that?

11. Sell that dog to the circus, ma’am!

Or put him on suicide watch.

10. I can’t decide if this is more wrong or more sad.

It can be both, of course.

9. Ahhh the time-honored name drop.

This is super weird and no one is buying it, Paris.

8. Every teacher ever can confirm the bullshit.

She knew exactly which three people could have instigated this the second the music started.

7. Bless her heart.

She thinks that’s a burn omg.

6. These people are living among us, y’all.

I guess kids don’t need sex ed anymore.

5. He cried and he ran? Really?

Also 40 pushups omg did he try out for American Gladiator?

4. Did George Costanza write this?

Also…a chocolate milk?

3. That totally seems right.

Just give me some gallons of water, I’ll be fine.

2. Literally aren’t enough hours in the day to do that, but okay.

1. Why even would you set this up?

And how are you cooking eggs with no butter or spray or whatever?

I’m secondhand embarrassed, y’all!

What’s your best story to add to this list? I know you’ve got one!