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13 Tweets That Might Entertain You

You know what’s timeless? Comedy. Specifically, jokes.

No matter how many times you hear them, how many views you rack up on the video, or how many times you relate it to your friends, you can’t help but crack up.

I humbly submit these 30 tweets under that same category.

1. Aspirations!

3. People’s minds, I swear…

4. I hope they’re being paid union wages

4. Also don’t buy a duvet cover

5. What even?!

6. A wise man

7. I can’t

8. Among other things

9. Right? Ew.

10. Dying!

11. Well-argued

12. Solidarity

13. If this doesn’t make you snort… what’s wrong with you?!

Alright kids… what did you think? Hilarious? Awesome? Or not so much?

Let us know in the comments! We want to hear from you!