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13 Funny Tweets That People Shared This Week

Image Credit: Twitter

The verdict is finally in, and it turns out that women are funny.

That’s right, folks, after years of men in the comedy business keeping women down with the nonsense argument that women can’t keep up when it comes to jokes, the females on Twitter are here to smash it.

And this week, these 13 women are vying for funniest of the funnies – at least, in my humble opinion.

13. Also, IT’S BREAD.

12. Decisions, decisions.

11. I’m sure we can find common vocab based on that.

10. But also being happy that you’re alone with your warm sweater.

9. ‘Tis the way of the world, little one.

8. As long as he’s busy he can’t clean the kitchen.

7. Everyone loves a good interesting tidbit.

6. It’s been a good and faithful servant.

5. It’s easier if I just show you.

4. You know that just made someone’s day.

3. I’m not sure what you mean…

2. So glad that’s not my life.

1. No one can argue with this.

I mean, there’s pretty much no denying a well-crafted joke when it hits you in the face, right?

Who is your favorite female comedian? What was your favorite of these tweets?

Tell us in the comments!