I’m terrible at cooking. Like, truly awful. It’s a war crime, the food I try to make.
So obviously I don’t have any room to talk when it comes to the culinary disasters of others. But that’s not going to stop me from pointing and laughing at them all anyway. It’s just not.
Especially not when Reddit makes it so darned easy.
14. Jumbo Nigiri Sushi
I feel slightly ill just looking at this.
Behold! The worlds largest (and shittiest) nigiri sushi.
byu/cazua inshittyfoodporn
13. Creamy Potato Salad in a Jug
Dude, I think your milk might have gone bad.
the arrogance of man rears its ugly head once more as we continue to sin against heaven and god
byu/Ahjeofel inshittyfoodporn
12. Bean Tube Nachos
They’re not-yo’s. They’re also not mine.
“You should put the refried beans in a ziploc bag and pipe them onto the nachos”, she said.
byu/PrefabMinicomputer inshittyfoodporn
11. Hungarian Hospital Food
This is a joke, right?
What you get for breakfast in a Hungarian hospital
byu/abraabraka inshittyfoodporn
10. No Yeast Bread
All of us during the first leg of 2020 were like.
9. No-Rise Pizza
It’s like, reverse pizza somehow.
8. Grilling a Steak
That is unrecognizable as steak.
My boss’s dad’s favorite way to grill a steak. 3 heat diverters and lots of steam. Marinated in Dale’s for 5 days.
byu/jadbronson inshittyfoodporn
7. The Popcorn Sundae
A lot of wonderful things that shouldn’t go together.
I can never go back to normal popcorn again
byu/opteryx5 inshittyfoodporn
6. Fish Sandwich
Have you had your break today?
Found Mc Donald’s limited edition fish sandwich near my local supermarket.
byu/Sophiakoko1021 inshittyfoodporn
5. Pizza Cats
“Free us from our suffering, for we should not be.”
I made cute little cat pizzas to please our toddler. This is after they baked. They look like burn victims. :)))
byu/randigtiger inshittyfoodporn
4. McCaviar
When you wanna be swanky on a budget.
byu/kinkytheturkey inshittyfoodporn
3. Sour Pickle Juice Jello
Quick question – who are you trying to murder?
I made Sour pickle juice jello. Which obviously goes well with a shot of whiskey.
byu/Micprobes inshittyfoodporn
2. Sushi Poutine
I’m feeling queasy, is what I’m feeling.
Sushi poutine, feel the outrage
byu/blaquemajyk inshittyfoodporn
1. Mashed Potatoes Shrimp Alfredo
Don’t get any ideas, Chef Boyardee.
An order I made where a lady wanted the Shrimp Alfredo with mashed potatoes in place of the noodles
byu/Corncob173 inshittyfoodporn
I may not know cooking, but I know what I don’t like. And it’s this. It’s all of this.
Do you have any cooking fails that haunt you to this day?
Tell us all about them in the comments, and don’t spare the burned up details.