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14 Funny Tweets of the Week That We Really Appreciated

Source: @pmfphoenix on Twitter

Having a weird day? Not to worry, Twitter is here for you. At least the funny parts of Twitter are. No matter what’s going on in the world, we can always rely on the funny women of Twitter to grace our brains with short-burst wit that would make even the strangest days a little better.

Here are some great Tweets from the week to give you the boost you need!

14. 20 questions

Please bear with me during this difficult time.

13. And Dr. Dre said…

Have we also considered enlisting the talents of Dr. Who?

12. Share the love

These are the sacrifices we make for our children.

11. Master of disguise

This is so painfully hilarious to read.

10. Help me help you

I said I understood, not that I was going to do anything about it.

9. Agree to disagree

Your honor, I would like my own remarks stricken from the record.

8. Saucy

I personally will not hesitate to kink-shame a sandwich.

7. The Mandela effect

This confirms my hypothesis that we are definitely living in the wrong universe.

6. I left ’em dead in the aisles

…the trouble is, they started that way.

5. I have seen the ‘Memes”

I literally do not see anything unprofessional about this.

4. I hope this letter finds you in good health

And in a prosperous enough position to put wealth into the pockets me people like me, down on their luck…

3. Act now!

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

2. Love hurts

How many licks to get to the center of my pain?

1. No Nuthin’ November

Psh. Try a year and get back to me.^re/status/1252918160166129665

Hope you enjoyed those as much as we did. Keep the joy alive on Twitter and throughout the internet, we all need it!

Who’s your favorite funny lady on Twitter right now?

Tell us in the comments.