I’m thinking about writing a book about the impact of memes and how important they are both to culture and to myself personally. Might call it The Memeing of Life. Now, full disclosure, I don’t really have any ideas for what would go in this book, so far it’s just the clever title, but that’s probably enough to get on the NYT Bestseller List, right? I mean, how hard can it be?
While I work on that, you should enjoy this collection of memes that helped inspire me.
14. Grant me parmesan
I’m lactose intolerant intolerant.
Via: someecards
13. Booth babes
Can’t we table this discussion?
Via: someecards
12. The list goes on
Oh cool, I made myself sad.
Via: someecards
11. Pad goals
Sounds weirdly specific but I approve wholeheartedly.
Via: someecards
10. A door-able
Let’s not get unhinged, here.
Via: someecards
9. Just browsing
“Trust me, I’ve done this exactly once before.”
Via: someecards
8. Technical difficulties
Talk about interrupting my flow.
Via: someecards
7. Spectator sports
That sounds terrible. Tell me more.
Via: someecards
6. Shake it off
It’s an intellectual exercise.
Via: someecards
5. Scare-car
Is it a crime to impersonate a 2 dimensional police officer?
Via: someecards
4. A time of self-reflection
I’ve been right in front of me all along.
Via: someecards
3. Flipping out
Must be a Sandals resort.
Via: someecards
2. The beast inside
From Tiger King to tiny thing real quick.
Via: someecards
1. Early to rise
Whatever gets the job done.
Via: someecards
See what I mean? This is the stuff of life. I really should write that book.
What do you think could be some chapter titles in a book about memes?
Brainstorm in the comments.