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14 People Dish on the Tattoos They Really Hate to See

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People have Opinions when it comes to tattoos, and most of them are not positive and enthusiastic. They like them, but not ones like that, or they live in the past and think tattoos are indicative of irresponsible youths who aren’t thinking of their future in a workplace blah blah blah.

If you’re here for unpopular opinions people have of tattoos they see on other people’s bodies, well…I’m afraid you came to the right place.

Buckle up!

14. Whatever blows your skirt up.

“I know a lot of people don’t like them, but I think neck and hand tattoos are sexy as hell.”


13. You definitely need to be totally sure.

“Tattoos aren’t for everyone, and a lot of people who get them probably should have just paid for a painting of the same image instead.

I say this as someone who has a tattoo! I kinda wish I had never gotten mine because I change my mind too much.

Instead, I wish I bought a piece of art to memorialize something rather than having it inked on my body.”


12. Things are popular for a reason, right?

“I think it’s pointless to get a tattoo that a lot of other people have.

Why would you want an exact copy of another person’s tattoo, when you can just as easily have the artist draw up something for you that’s totally unique?”


11. Definitely an unpopular opinion!

“Tattoos are better when there’s no meaning behind them.

Some people get so hung up on what their tattoo should mean, and they kinda force it.

Even worse, they often get something meaningful that means the same thing to everyone.

Like, getting a koi fish because they go against the current, or getting a Phoenix because you’re rising above something. Just say you think it looks cute, and go lol.


10. Wow. Tell us how you really feel.

“I judge those with Harry Potter ‘Always’ tattoos and the Deathly Hallows symbol.

Severus Snape is a trash man who didn’t deserve Lily Potter, so he can take his ‘Always’ and shove it up his butt.”


9. Maybe that’s why they like it.

“Getting faces (even realistic ones) as tattoos is actually pretty creepy.

It’s like having someone’s face staring at you from someone else’s flesh.”


8. Because maybe it’s not for you, Karen.

“I don’t think you should be able to get tattoos in a location on your body that you can’t see every day.

What’s the point of getting a cute tattoo if you can’t even see it to admire the art?”


7. You gotta do you, man.

“A lot of people give other people cr*p for this, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting a ‘basic’ tattoo.

If you want an infinity symbol or an anchor, don’t feel shameful.

You don’t need a deep meaning to justify getting a tattoo that isn’t the most unique.”


6. Do you speak from experience?

“Don’t. Get. Micro. Tattoos.

They look amazing, and I love them… right now.

But in five years, that tiny, delicate flower with so much detail will just look like a blur.”


5. This actually seems like solid advice.

“A lot of people won’t agree with this first part, but you should never get a tattoo because you want a tattoo.

Instead, you should get a tattoo because you want THAT tattoo.”


4. Maybe you just don’t get it?

“I don’t see the point in having small tattoos randomly placed all over your body, especially when they have nothing to do with each other.

It reminds me of a toddler who got into a sticker pack.”


3. Okay this one might be inadvisable.

“I just CANNOT support couples who get matching tattoos, especially if they’re not even married.

How are you supposed to explain the initials of your ex to someone else you’re seeing?

Tattoos can be pretty personal, so I can understand tattooing your kid’s name or something on your body, but I don’t get how you could tattoo the name of someone who you’re not even married to.”


2. I think is the way most people feel these days.

“A lot of people think tattoos are unprofessional, but I think they’re wrong.

They’re an expression of the person, not a lapse of judgment or of something irresponsible.”


1. That’s awfully judgey.

“Disney tattoos are usually indicative of a certain type of person, and whenever I see one it makes me want to head for the hills.”


See, I have tattoos that I would never personally get, but you know what – it’s your body and I think you should  do whatever with it that makes you happy (as long as you’re not hurting someone else).

Do you have peeves like this? Are you a tattoo enthusiast? Show us your artwork in the comments!